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Kizzie D. Found Health & Happiness By Revamping Her Diet

"...I can honestly say that my diet and my health are both finally in a great place... I’ve lost 17 lbs. And the best part is, I did it in a healthy way, with a routine that I can keep doing long-term... I feel amazing."

What was your biggest challenge when it came to losing the weight?

I’ve struggled with my weight since 2006, when I left Active Army Duty and went into the Army Reserves. It was then that I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Pre-Diabetes.

I went on to become a Police Officer, but I was stressed, overwhelmed, and packing on the pounds. After having 3 children over the course of 9 years, I reached my heaviest weight of 237 lbs. And I was devastated when my doctor told me it was time to start taking insulin for Type 2 Diabetes.

In 2016, I decided that I wanted to take my life back, so I began doing whatever I could to lose weight. I began preparing my own food at home, stopped eating sweets, and worked out consistently. I lost over 40 lbs in a matter of 6 months!

Then, untreated PTSD took over… I gained the weight right back, and in a year I was back to 230 lbs. I was completely frustrated with the weight gain, and even though my husband was very supportive of me at the time, I knew I was unhealthy and something needed to change.

What motivated you to make a change?

I am very proud of the major transformation that has brought me to where I am today, but it hasn’t been easy! My true “aha” moment came when my doctor told me that my blood sugar was so high that I needed to start taking insulin or I could potentially die from a stroke.

In the doctor’s office, there was a sign that said, “Taking medication is a waste if you’re going to continue the bad behavior.” And I thought to myself, how dare I know better but fail to do better!

My biggest struggle in my weight loss battle was my mindset and the excuses I would make to avoid healthy choices. I knew I had to change my mindset to change my life! I kept thinking it was okay to eat whatever I wanted as long as I exercised, but that wasn’t true.

I also needed to address my mental health, so I sought help for my PTSD in 2017. After a year of therapy, I felt so much better mentally, it was freeing. Then it was time to get my physical health in order. In 2018, I decided to have Gastric Sleeve surgery.

After the surgery, I lost weight, but only 35 lbs. I wasn’t allowed to work out, so I honestly felt like I looked more sick than I did healthy. It wasn’t until this year that I looked in the mirror and was still unhappy with what I saw. I went online and saw my friend using 310 Shakes. I was already drinking shakes but they were getting old fast, and when the quarantine began, I decided to do something with my health and life by starting 310!

Tell us about your success!

I’ve been using 310 products since March and I can honestly say that my diet and my health are both finally in a great place. When I started I was 187 lbs, and today I weigh 170 lbs – so I’ve lost 17 lbs. And the best part is, I did it in a healthy way, with a routine that I can keep doing long-term.

My goal is to lose another 20 lbs and get down to 150 lbs, but I can honestly say that I feel amazing. My body fat percentage has decreased from 28.7 to 27.2, I’ve gone from a size 10 to a size 8, and my A1C went from 12.7 to 5.2 - so I'm no longer diabetic. I also now work out with weights since starting 310, and I’m getting leaner than ever!

What do you love BEST about 310 Shakes?

One of the things I love best about 310 Shakes is the taste! And the fact that I already drank shakes daily made it much easier to fit them into my lifestyle. Plus, I can choose when I want a 310 Shake for a meal or a snack, so they’re very convenient.

Tell us about your healthy lifestyle routine…

My healthy dietary routine includes drinking a 310 Shake at least once per day, but sometimes twice. My first meal of the day is my shake at 11:30am. My snacks are typically fresh fruit, beef or turkey jerky, tuna, or something else that’s healthy.

I prep my dinners so that when I cook with my family, I won’t be tempted to eat what they eat. I limit my red meat intake and try to stick with leaner meats like chicken and fish.

Currently, I’m loving the 310 ChocolateVanilla and Toasted Coconut Shakes. I’ve also used the 310 Thin in the past and liked how it helped me control my appetite.

Do you have a MUST-TRY shake recipe you'd like to share?

My favorite shake recipe is called Apple Pie A La Mode. It includes 310 Vanilla Shake, fresh apple, almond milk, Greek yogurt, spices, and ice, and it’s so delicious!

What does the 310 Community mean to you?

The 310 Nutrition Community has been incredibly important to me on this journey, and I couldn’t have done it without them. I’ve never felt so much love from people who don’t even know me personally – it’s amazing. I love the support I get there.

Do you have advice for anyone just starting their journey?

My advice to anyone who is just starting off on their own journey is not to give up on yourself. Get into a routine and become consistent in doing good for yourself. It’s important to take care of your health so that everything else can fall into place. If you can conceive results, believe that you can receive those results, and take action… you will achieve RESULTS!

Ready to Try 310?! 

Remember that becoming healthier is a journey, and we’re excited to be on it with you! Our 310 Try It All Kit is a great way to start your adventure because it allows you to try an assortment of products and flavors, to find your favorites upfront! It’s the perfect way to start cleaning up your diet and getting your health on track.

We covered all the bases with this kit. It includes a variety of flavors of 310 Meal Replacement Shakes; 310 Berry Juice packets including 70+ superfoods per serving; Water-enhancing Lemonades with no sugar or artificial sweeteners, minerals, and tea extract; Detox Teas to support optimal health; A 310 Shaker Cup to quickly make and take along all of your drinks; An e-book including easy-to-make healthy recipes; A phone session with a 310 Health Coach; and even a $10 gift card to 310! You can’t go wrong with this kit!

And, it’s currently 50% off, at only $69.00! ($138.00 Value). Try it todayYou got this!

In addition, we invite you to join our Facebook Community so you can see firsthand how hundreds of thousands of women and men are motivating each other to succeed, not only on their weight loss journeys, but in lifelong health.

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