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Yasmine Purdey Finally Quits Yo-Yo Dieting And Loses 65 Pounds With 310!


The Turning Point...

I pretty much struggled with my weight for what seems like my whole life. Coming from a family of petite woman, being overweight was really hard for me. Why was I the only one that was chubby?

So in my early 20’s I started a long and painful journey of what started out with good intentions but turned into yo-yo dieting. I was somewhat successful at times with losing the weight but sadly I would go back to eating like I did before and of course the weight (and then some) always came back.

My ah-ha moment came when I saw pictures of myself at my step-son’s wedding. Even though I made every attempt to literally hide from the photographer, I knew I would be in some pictures since I was the mother of the groom. But there were too many—and seeing them instantly brought me to tears…

On the bright side, it also kicked me into gear because I knew I didn’t want to be that heavy and unhealthy for the rest of my life. So the search was on to find a “forever solution” to my lifelong struggle with weight and image.

The Change..

My biggest challenge was finding something I could really stick to, without feeling like it was a daily chore. I realized that I had to finally get in the right mindset and decide that it was going to work for me.

So when I saw the Facebook Ads with Gretchen Rossi talking about living the 310 Lifestyle and sticking to it not just for weight loss but for a healthy life, it really resonated with me. It was that day two years ago that I made my commitment to myself to stick with the 310 plan, and I’m so happy I did!

Weight Loss Success!

By sticking to my 310 Nutrition products and lifestyle, I went from 214 pounds to 149! That’s 65 pounds down and I’m still going strong. I want to get to 135 but I’m not far away from it now and I know with 310 products and community support, I can get there!

I feel amazing now. I’m no longer in a depressed state thinking I will never be “skinny”. I’m happier and healthier now than I’ve ever been in my entire life. And I love telling people about 310 and how it can help change their lives.

My biggest non-scale victory was when I finally found my collarbones! I even love to exercise now. I’m more active and love playing with and keeping up with my grandchildren without getting winded.

Here’s how I lost the weight with 310 Nutrition and keep it going to this day: 

I use a lot of 310 products because I think of them each as different tools to help me get healthy, stay full, stick to the plan, and keep it exciting!

My breakfast every morning is a 310 Shake. I add in some spinach and some frozen fruit.

My snacks are fruits, veggies with hummus or cottage cheese.

My lunch is a Mocha Shake.

For dinner, I have chicken or fish with veggies and salad.

I also use 310 Probiotics to help decrease bloat and better digest foods, 310 MultiVitamin, 310 Collagen to keep my skin and joints feeling young, 310 Beauty Melt for strong hair, skin, and nails, and 310 Thin to fight cravings, and 310 Meta Boost to keep my slowing metabolism after age 40 going strong!

Here’s my favorite new shake recipe you gotta try! 310 Salted Caramel Shake, unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 cooked baked potato/sweet potato or 1/2 cup of purée pumpkin, cinnamon, and ice. Tastes like a cheat treat dessert only this one is so good for you.

Staying Motivated Through Community...

The 310 Community means family to me. It’s the most supportive and positive group on the planet. I’m in the Community every day reading stories and trying to help others be successful in their health journeys as a 310 Ambassador.

I tell people to just take that first step. It was scary for me but I just made that first step because no change will happen until we decide to move forward. I always say baby steps if you have to, but just do it. Having a super supportive community means you’re never alone on this journey.

Ready to Try 310? 

Our 310 Try It All Kit gives you a chance to try an assortment of products and flavors to find your favorites before committing! It’s the perfect way to start your journey to ultimate health with 310. 

This kit includes 6 delicious flavors of 310 Meal Replacement Shakes, green Juices with 70+ superfoods, alkalizing Lemonades with 0 sugar under 13 calories with Green Tea Phytosomes,  Detox Teas to help you rid your body of years of built up toxins and bloat, a Shaker Cup to make and take along your drinks, a book with easy-to-make healthy recipes,  a phone session with a health coach, and even a $10 gift card to 310!

It’s currently a steal-of-a-price at only $69.00! ($146.99 Value)  That’s over 50% off! You can do this!

We also invite you to join our Facebook Community so you can see firsthand how hundreds of thousands of men and women are motivating each other on their weight loss journeys.


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