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Cheyenne B. Did a 180 From Past Struggles & Is Now Healthy & Fulfilled

"I honestly feel like 310 is my savior! I feel amazing, and I can do more now with my kids than I’ve been able to do with them their whole lives!"

Tell us about your journey to better health…

I had my two girls when I was young and never lost the baby weight. Then, in July of 2018 I was diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and I gained over 50 pounds from chemo and immunotherapy treatments. I beat my cancer for the first time in March of 2019… and, shortly after, my husband and I found out we were expecting twins.

I gained about 40 pounds during that pregnancy but at 25 weeks I tragically lost my babies to stillbirths. I was heartbroken and turned to food. I gained another 40 pounds and reached my heaviest weight of 280 by that September. Also at that point, my cancer had bounced back and I was in the weeds again. It was seeing my girls every day that made me realize I needed to kick it in the butt and be healthy for them. That’s when I found 310!

What motivated you to make a change?

Along with realizing the seriousness of my health issues, I was also struggling to keep up with my 7 and 8 year old girls – when I realized I needed to change and become healthy for them, and ultimately me.

I came across 310 Nutrition and the 310 Community on Facebook, and it was life-changing. I decided to make the leap and I’ve been using 310 since April 11th of this year.

Tell us about your success!

When I started with 310, I was at my heaviest weight of 280 lbs, and I can’t believe that my weight right now is down to 209 lbs – so I’ve lost 71 lbs so far! At this point, I only have 34 more pounds to go to reach my goal weight of 175 lbs.

I’ve also gone from a size 22 pants down to a 14 and a 3XL top to an XL and L! I’ve lost 12 inches from my waist alone! That’s a whole foot!!!! I feel amazing, and I can do more now with my kids than I’ve been able to do with them their whole lives!

Keep reading to see how YOU can save on the products Cheyenne uses to reach her goals!...

What do you love BEST about 310 Shakes?

I love how great 310 Shakes taste… I honestly feel like 310 is my savior! When I am craving anything sweet 310 Shakes are my go-to… they satisfy me without the sugar and unhealthy ingredients.

Tell us about your healthy lifestyle routine…

Currently, my healthy dietary routine includes having a 310 Shake every morning for breakfast… My favorite is the Vanilla Shake with frozen strawberries and a fresh banana, and I blend it with water and ice! I normally eat fruits and veggies for lunch with either hard boiled eggs or tuna on whole wheat bread. And for dinner I am all about healthy family favorite foods, such as burgers and veggies, whole wheat and multigrain pastas, and my favorite veggie pasta made with zucchini and lentils! Also, if I’m having cravings for sweets I’ll have another 310 Shake!

As for daily activity, I don’t exercise in a traditional sense. However, I walk 3 miles every evening, and I’m active during the day being a teacher.

Do you have a MUST-TRY shake recipe you'd like to share?

I love my strawberries and banana recipe, but I also use frozen peaches and Oikos Greek peach yogurt to make a peaches and cream with 310 Vanilla, water and ice! It tastes so good!

What does the 310 Community mean to you?

The 310 Community on Facebook is a source of continued inspiration for me to keep going! It’s been a huge help on my journey, and I also love to share with others that I was once at the beginning, and with determination and a steady pace I am achieving my dream goals, and they can too!

Do you have advice for anyone just starting their journey?

My advice for anyone just starting out is don’t think of your journey as meeting a “weight loss goal”… instead view it as a “lifestyle change”, and don’t beat yourself up when you slip! One Snickers is not going to make you gain 10 pounds! It’s OK to give into your temptations in moderation! And don’t ever be afraid to try new meals!

Ready to Try 310?! 

Remember that becoming healthier is a journey, and we’re excited to be on it with you! Our 310 Try It All Kit is a great way to start your adventure because it allows you to try an assortment of products and flavors, to find your favorites upfront! It’s the perfect way to start cleaning up your diet and getting your health on track.

We covered all the bases with this kit. It includes a variety of flavors of 310 Meal Replacement Shakes; 310 Berry Juice packets including 70+ superfoods per serving; Water-enhancing Lemonades with no sugar or artificial sweeteners, minerals, and tea extract; Detox Teas to support optimal health; A 310 Shaker Cup to quickly make and take along all of your drinks; An e-book including easy-to-make healthy recipes; A phone session with a 310 Health Coach; and even a $10 gift card to 310! You can’t go wrong with this kit!

And, it’s currently 50% off, at only $69.00! ($138.00 Value). You got this!

In addition, we invite you to join our Facebook Community so you can see firsthand how hundreds of thousands of women and men are motivating each other to succeed, not only on their weight loss journeys, but in lifelong health.

Want more 310 inspiration?! Browse more life-changing success stories here!

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