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4 Amazing Benefits of Vitamin C (+ The Best Sources)

Hearing a lot of buzz lately about vitamin C? There’s a good reason for that… When utilized correctly, adding some extra vitamin C to your diet may have a profound impact on helping you stay healthy, energized and feeling your best. It’s truly a super-nutrient - which is why we created our NEW 310 Vitamin C Powder! With cold and flu season here, it’s even more important to support strong immunity – and this convenient powder contains 1,000mg of C per serving, plus 30mg of zinc, and even more immunity-boosting nutrients. Try yours today and read on for some amazing potential health benefits of this essential vitamin... 

Found in a variety of foods, as well as skin serums and supplements, vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is both an extremely powerful antioxidant and a water-soluble micronutrient that is essential to the body - meaning that it must be obtained from diet, as the body cannot produce it on its own. 

The current recommended intake of vitamin C for adults is 65-90 mg per day, with an upper limit of 2,000 mg. And there are many potential benefits to taking this amazing nutrient, when consuming the right amount...

Benefits of Vitamin C

1) Supports a Strong Immune System

As mentioned, not only is vitamin C an incredibly powerful antioxidant - having a protective effect on the body - but it's also directly involved in the production of white blood cells; And these cells are key to helping the body fight against acute illness. 

Plus, loading up on foods that are rich in vitamin C or taking a high-quality vitamin C dietary supplement can help you avoid a deficiency, (which is rare but possible). And research shows that a vitamin C deficiency may increase your likelihood of getting an infection.

2) May Protect Against Inflammation and Free Radicals

Acting as an antioxidant, vitamin C may help the body fight against free-radicals - or negative molecules that exist in the body due to certain foods that we eat, tobacco inhalation, radiation and other environmental factors. 

By fighting against free-radicals, Vitamin C may reduce the amount of oxidative stress within the body, a factor that is related to inflammation and a variety of chronic diseases, including heart disease and more.

3) Can Help Prevent Iron Deficiency 

Vitamin C is also involved in the production of red blood cells, and is used to help increase iron absorption within the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the vitamin may help prevent iron deficiency as well as anemia.

This may be especially important for individuals consuming a vegan or vegetarian diet, as the form of iron present in plant foods, (or "non-heme” iron), is poorly absorbed within the body. In contrast, the type of iron present in animal-based products, (called "heme" iron), is better absorbed.

4) Promotes Glowing Skin

The body also requires vitamin C for collagen production - which is a crucial component to skin health - helping to lessen the appearance of wrinkles, promote firm skin, and more.

In addition, vitamin C is involved in the regeneration of skin, and has been shown to have incredible effects on wound healing, skin repair, and possibly skin hydration. Research has actually found that the skin contains high levels of vitamin C, showing just how important this vitamin is for overall skin health! 

Sources of Vitamin C

Fruits and Veggies...


(1 fruit or about 131g)

69 mg 


(1 fruit or about 84g)

44 mg 


(1 fruit or about 256g)

88 mg 


(1 fruit or about 69g)

64 mg 


(1 fruit or about 55g)

126 mg 


(1 cup or about 144g)

84 mg 


(1 cup, chunks or about 145g)

88 mg 

Red Bell Pepper

(1 medium pepper or about 119g)

152 mg 

Green Bell Pepper

(1 medium pepper or about 119g)

95 mg 

Yellow Bell pepper

(1 large pepper or about 186g)

341 mg 

Brussels Sprouts

(1 cup or about 88g)

74 mg 


Vitamin C Supplements...

In addition to consuming vitamin C through the foods you eat, you can also obtain the nutrient from supplements for an extra boost! However, it's important to ensure that when looking for a vitamin C supplement (or any supplement for that matter), you're choosing a 

Here are a few things we recommend looking for...

What To Look For In A Vitamin C Supplement

1) An Optimal Amount of Vitamin C Per Serving

To support the body with the amazing benefits of this super-nutrient, it's important to find a supplement that contains an optimal amount of vitamin C. However, going over the set upper limit (2,000 mg per day) could also potentially lead to some unwanted side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, cramps, headaches, and more.

Therefore, it's important to find a healthy balance! With that being said, we recommend choosing a supplement that contains at least 800 mg of vitamin C and no more than 1,800 mg. Our 310 Vitamin C Powder is power-packed with 1,000 mg per serving - so you can obtain optimal amounts daily and reap all of the potential benefits! 

2) Zinc & Immune-Supporting Nutrients

Although vitamin C gets most of the attention when it comes to immune support, there are other important vitamins and minerals that are essential to strong immunity. Having them all together in one supplement is not only incredibly convenient, but will support your ultimate wellness and vitality even more.

Zinc is an important mineral known to help bolster the immune system. It’s especially helpful if you’re already experiencing sickness symptoms – to support your body fighting the illness – but it’s also beneficial on a daily basis to help keep you well. Additional electrolyte minerals like calcium and magnesium also support your body’s defenses and help keep you hydrated.  

B Vitamins are also vital for immune health and feeling your best on a daily basis. In particular, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12 are all needed for maintaining good energy levels, proper brain function, and healthy metabolism.

Our 310 Vitamin C Powder contains 30mg of zinc, a variety of B vitamins, electrolyte minerals, and additional immune-boosting nutrients to support complete wellness.

3) Clean Ingredients, with NO Sugar

Next, while getting an optimal amount of vitamin C each day is essential for maintaining peak immune health, many supplements contain unhealthy ingredients that don’t fit into a healthy lifestyle. For instance, some vitamin C powders contain fructose – a fast-digesting sugar that can be particularly harmful to the liver, especially in excess.

In addition, products containing artificial sugars or flavorings, or unnecessary sodium would not be the best choice for a daily healthy lifestyle product. Instead, look for a clean supplement with no sugar, artificial ingredients, sodium, or unnecessary fillers – like 310 Vitamin C Powder.

As you can see, our brand-new 310 Vitamin C Powder meets all of our suggestions for the most effective C supplement – and is an amazing choice to help support enhanced immunity and optimal health every day!

It's important now, more than ever, to be protecting your body with proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices, as well as give an extra boost where you can! 310 Vitamin C Powder can help give the extra support needed to reach health goals, both now and in the future - Try yours today!


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