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Ashley M. Transformed Her Diet & Her Waistline, Losing 31 Lbs!

"I have more energy, I sleep better, my clothes fit great, and I’m more confident. I truly feel awesome, and I’m so grateful to 310 for helping me get to where I am today."

Tell us about your journey to better health…

I used to eat junk food, especially fast food, very often. I have a medically fragile child, and I’m constantly juggling homeschooling her and her sibling, along with traveling so much for doctor’s appointments. Due to this, in the past I found it very hard to make healthy eating a regular part of my schedule.

What motivated you to make a change?

The realization that I had to make some major changes came when I gained 40 pounds during the start of the Covid pandemic. I was so depressed, my body hurt all the time, and I would get so out of breath from doing simple tasks.

I eventually started looking for something to help me lose weight, and I came across 310 while searching the internet. After reading more about the company and viewing the success stories of people who had transformed their lives with 310 Shakes combined with healthier habits, I decided to jump in and try the products.

At first, getting into the right state of mind and cleaning up my diet were my biggest struggles, but 310 offered great resources and professional guidance in the 310 Community to help me. It was also so nice and inspiring to connect with others on their own health journeys in this community, and before I knew it, I was seeing weight loss success in my own life!

Tell us about your success!

I’ve now been using 310 products alongside a healthy dieting and lifestyle habits for about 6 months and am so happy with the success I’ve seen since then. My starting weight was 177 lbs., and so far I’ve lost 31 lbs. – bringing my weight down to 146 lbs. At this point, I only have 14 more lbs. to go to reach my goal weight of 132 lbs. and that feels amazing!

Beyond the number on the scale, I’ve also experienced so many other victories. I have more energy, I sleep better, my clothes fit great, and I’m more confident. I truly feel awesome, and I’m so grateful to 310 for helping me get to where I am today.

What do you love BEST about 310 shakes?

One of the things I love best about 310 Shakes is that they’re so quick and convenient for my busy lifestyle as a homeschooling and special needs mom. The shakes are truly delicious, which makes them an enjoyable, low-calorie, and nutritious food option for always being on the move. I also really love the 310 Metaboost, which gives me even more clean energy to help me power through my days and workouts. 

Tell us about your healthy lifestyle routine…

My current healthy lifestyle routine includes drinking two 310 Shakes per day in place of regular meals. For breakfast, I typically have an English muffin, fresh fruit, and coffee; For snacks, I eat fresh vegetables such as carrots, sugar snap peas, and celery, and I make a ranch dip using Greek yogurt. Sometimes I’ll roast vegetables in the air fryer to have as a snack.

For lunch, I have a smoothie with my 310 Shake powder, and I also add kale, spinach, avocado, and fruit. For dinner, I have a small salad and another shake – and I prepare the shake similar to the one I have at lunch.

Along with eating a healthier diet, I also started exercising after drinking 310 Shakes every day. The shakes combined with the clean eating gives me energy that I didn’t have before! I started out by walking a mile, 3 times a week, and now I regularly walk about 3 miles per day, and also add in some strength training.

Do you have a MUST-TRY shake recipe you’d like to share?

Currently, my favorite 310 Shake flavor is Chocolate; I mix it up with peanut butter and banana and its delicious.

I also love, love, love the 310 Mocha Shake! I typically make a smoothie with 310 mocha and frozen avocado, banana, frozen coffee cubes, half a cup of plain Greek yogurt, a dash of vanilla extract, and cocoa powder and it tastes just like a Frappe! So yummy!!!

What does the 310 Community mean to you?

The 310 Community, as mentioned earlier, is an incredibly supportive group, and it’s so nice to be on this journey with so many encouraging people.

Do you have advice for anyone just starting their journey?

My advice to anyone just starting out on their own journey to better health and weight loss is to start today – you will not regret it! Take the risk and try 310, it will change your life!

Ready to Try 310?! 

Remember that becoming healthier is a journey, and we’re excited to be on it with you! Our 310 Try It All Kit is a great way to start your adventure because it allows you to try an assortment of products and flavors, to find your favorites upfront! It’s the perfect way to start cleaning up your diet and getting your health on track.

We covered all the bases with this kit. It includes a variety of flavors of 310 Meal Replacement Shakes; 310 Berry Juice packets including 70+ superfoods per serving; Water-enhancing Lemonades with no sugar or artificial sweeteners, minerals, and tea extract; Detox Teas to support optimal health; A 310 Shaker Cup to quickly make and take along all of your drinks; An e-book including easy-to-make healthy recipes; A phone session with a 310 Health Coach; and even a $10 gift card to 310! You can’t go wrong with this kit!

And, it’s currently 50% off, at only $69.00! ($138.00 Value). You got this!

In addition, we invite you to join our Facebook Community so you can see firsthand how hundreds of thousands of women and men are motivating each other to succeed, not only on their weight loss journeys, but in lifelong health.

Want more 310 inspiration?! Browse more life-changing success stories here!


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