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Michele Helton Tried EVERYTHING before finding 310 and losing 39 pounds!


The Turning Point...

I've always struggled with my weight. When I was 16 years old,  I was bullied in school about being overweight I was also diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), which makes balancing your hormones a daily battle and makes losing weight even harder. I tried so many diets, weight loss pills, and some things that I even knew were probably scams over the years. I was desperate to try to lose the weight, but I didn’t know how…

Before 310 Nutrition, I had no idea how to eat healthy and sugar was a major addiction of mine. After getting older and having my two kids I gained even more weight. I was ready to give up!

The Change…

My mother-in-law took a picture of me with my 4 month old daughter at the lake. I guess it really hit home when I saw that picture. I honestly didn't think I was that big, but I was the heaviest weight I had ever been. I weighed 221 pounds at the time and I knew at that point I needed to get healthy for my family and myself.

I saw a Facebook Ad with Todd Chrisley promoting the shakes and decided to try it. So many people had seen success with it, so I thought maybe I could too. In April of 2019, I got started and I didn't turn back!

My husband was my life-saver and encouraged me. He believed that I could do it and continues to help me as much as possible.


When I started with 310 Nutrition, I weighed 215 pounds and now in just a few months, I’m already down to 176! Finally, something that is working. I’m on a roll with 39 pounds gone and can’t wait to get down to my goal weight of 150.

I've never been big on exercising. I actually hated it to be honest, but then I found a Zumba class that completely changed my view of exercising. I actually enjoy working out now. I was also embarrassed to go running. I always had that mental fear that everyone could see my belly moving or I wouldn't be able to make it down the street. I'm now running 5k races and can finally call myself a runner.

It feels fantastic! I just feel healthier overall. I'm getting my confidence back and I truly believe I can make it to my goal weight. At the beginning of the year before I started 310 I really didn't think it would be possible.

Here’s how I got healthy with 310 Nutrition and keep it going to this day:

I'm doing a 310 Shake for breakfast each day in a different flavor. With 15 grams of plant protein and 5 grams of fiber, it alone would keep me full, but I also add in fruit and veggies, 310 Collagen Powder to help my hair, skin, nails, and joints, and unsweetened almond milk for added creaminess.

I take the 310 MultiVitamin in the morning also. I love that it has all the nutrients I need plus a superfood blend and probiotics too.

I try to have a light lunch like a tuna wrap with protein chips and a 310 Lemonade to help hydrate, keep me full and energized.

Dinner is usually smoked chicken and rice, or brisket with carrots and green beans, whatever works with my calorie count. I like to change it up a lot. Plus I have my Peach Detox Tea with dinner to help rid my body of toxins that don’t serve me and decrease belly bloat.

My snacks consist of mixed nuts, protein chips or turkey with cheese.

I love all the 310 products I've tried so far. The shakes are easy to make, yummy and satisfying. And, the yummy 310 Lemonades and Detox Teas helped me get over my soda addiction!

Here’s my favorite new shake recipe you gotta try!

I have several favorite recipes, but the main one I keep going back to is  310 Shake Vanilla flavor with half a banana, dark cherries, unsweetened almond milk, 310 Juice for extra greens without having to go out and get veggies, and a scoop of the 310 Collagen Powder.

Staying Motivated Through Community...

The 310 Facebook Community means everything to me. The support, the help, and the encouragement the community gives is truly outstanding. Seeing people going through the same things as you and that they’re willing to help means a lot to me. If you’re trying to lose weight or get healthy—or both, my advice is to keep pushing through. It might not seem like you’re getting anywhere at times, but trust the process. Everyone's body is different, so keep going and don't give up.

Ready to Try 310? 

Our 310 Try It All Kit gives you a chance to try an assortment of products and flavors to find your favorites before committing! It’s the perfect way to start your journey to ultimate health with 310.

This kit includes 6 delicious flavors of 310 Meal Replacement Shakes, green Juices with 70+ superfoods, alkalizing Lemonades with 0 sugar under 13 calories with Green Tea Phytosomes,  Detox Teas to help you rid your body of years of built up toxins and bloat, a Shaker Cup to make and take along your drinks, a book with easy-to-make healthy recipes,  a phone session with a health coach, and even a $10 gift card to 310!

It’s currently a steal-of-a-price at only $69.00! ($146.99 Value)  That’s over 50% off! You can do this!


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