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Holly Manahan Credits 310 Shakes and Facebook Community to Lose 54 Pounds!


The Turning Point...

I’ve struggled with my weight for a very long time. In high school, even though I played softball and cheered, I still considered myself heavy for my 5’2 height, weighing 170 lbs in my junior year.

To lose the weight, I took the medication, Phentermine, getting down to 110 lbs. But I wasn’t healthy. I didn’t eat much, and I lived on Diet Pepsi and sugar-free Red Bull. When I decided to stop the medication, I regained the weight and more, going up to 200 lbs.

I knew I needed to adopt a healthier lifestyle, but I didn’t know how. I tried changing my diet and exercising but I just couldn’t drop the weight on my own, so I started using meal replacement shakes. The first shakes I tried were Shakeology and Visalus and I wasn’t seeing results with either. The main reason was because I didn’t feel like I had the support I needed to succeed. Plus, Shakeology shakes were expensive, and since Visalus is a MLM company, I didn’t like the way my rep was pressuring me to buy.

The Change...

Finally, I saw some of my favorite Real Housewives reality stars raving about 310 on Facebook and Instagram and I decided to try the shakes. As soon as my starter pack arrived, I immediately made a shake and I was hooked! I loved the flavor, and I also joined the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook right away, which I have to say has been one of my top tools for success!

For me, the shakes are a fantastic way to stay on track. I replace two meals a day with 310 Shakes (breakfast and lunch), adding other healthy items like frozen unsweetened fruit and coconut milk. I also add veggies like spinach and I love how my 310 Shakes hide the taste of the veggies, which didn’t happen with the other shake brands I used.

I also love and depend on other 310 products, including 310 Cleanse. I started my 310 journey with this product and I think it helped to jump-start my weight loss. I also use 310 Lemonade (all flavors), 310 Juice, 310 Tea, 310 Thin, and 310 Metaboost!

Weight Loss Success!

By using 310 Shakes and interacting in the community, I became healthier, losing 54 lbs in less than a year!

310 products are also great because I don’t have a lot of time to cook healthy foods. When I was pregnant, I brought 310 Shake to my doctor and she was very happy with it! She said I could continue to do my 310 meal replacement program while pregnant and nursing.

For anyone struggling with their weight, I would say to hurry up and try 310 Shake and get plugged into the 310 Nutrition Facebook Community ASAP! 310 products worked for me to lose the weight I needed and not regain it. Even weeks where I would fall off track, I would just pick back up where I left off with my 310 Shake program. I am sincerely happy with my results and can’t wait to keep losing more weight, becoming even healthier, and continuing with 310 Nutrition!

Ready to Try 310? 

The 310 Nutrition New Starter Kit is just $9 for new customers. Try it today! Before you do, be sure to join our Facebook Community and read other inspiring weight loss stories.


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