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Diana Soling

I have struggled with my weight since I was in the third grade. It finally hit home one day when a friend of mine said she thought I was expecting another baby (and I wasn’t)! I weighed a whopping 248 lbs, which is the heaviest I've ever been. Right then and there I knew I had to lose weight and become healthier. I lost 75 lbs on my own in a year and struggled for the next 5 years to keep it off. I finally got to where I had 25 lbs to go and then I found 310 Nutrition. I purchased a bag of 310 Shake and have never looked back!

The real “aha” moment was when my mother saw me and said she was so happy that I had lost all that weight and was healthier. She didn't want me to become like her and have all the same health issues. I never realized how dangerously close I had gotten to that point, and potentially having the same health scares.

Not only have I now lost 25 lbs using 310 products, I've gained a healthier outlook on life. I eat an 85% clean diet and haven't had soda since October 19, 2016! The cravings I had for pizza, chocolate and Pringles are all but gone and I don't ever feel deprived. If I want something I eat it. I just make sure not to overdo it. I have so much more energy than I've ever had and my muscles are lean and sculpted, something I've never experienced!  My hair is also stronger and has more shine, and my fingernails are super strong! I've never been able to grow them previously.

And the best part of this whole journey is that my husband has finally decided to take a step in the direction of getting healthier as well and has joined the 310 family!  By the end of this year my children will have two very healthy parents to bug them for a very long time!

Thank you 310 and Tim for this wonderful product and giving me a new outlook on life and how I should be living it!

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