The Turning Point...
My name is Danielle and I'm 28 years old. I've always maintained a pretty average weight for my height throughout my whole life with little exercise. When I got a job in NYC I was commuting 4 hours a day and working on Sundays too for about 9 months. I started to put on extra weight though out that time frame. I was eating big meals 3 times a day and having a big dinner at 9 p.m. or later every night and going straight to bed due to my work schedule. I had no time for the gym and dieting wasn't in my mind. I wasn't happy with the extra weight I put on and felt tired and very unmotivated all the time. I finally moved closer to my job and really wanted to make a change.
The Change...
I discovered 310 Nutrition which was amazing! The meal replacement shakes tasted so good. I would make a yummy strawberry shake every morning as my breakfast instead of my usual bagel or any other high carb breakfast I normally bought before work. I also signed up for a gym closer to my job and started working out on a regular basis.
Weight Loss Success!
By month 3 I decided to take a new picture of myself. I looked at both before and after pictures side by side. I couldn't believe the big difference between these pictures. When you see yourself in the mirror everyday it's hard to see a change. After looking back at my picture from the beginning, before I started using 310 Nutrition and working out, I got very excited with my results so far and now I want to work out even more and continue my diet.
Don't get me wrong, I still have my cheat days and I have a weakness for sweets like donuts! But I try to only treat myself once a week. You got to live! 310 Shake is definitely an amazing product for anyone who is trying to jump start a drastic change in their mental state and physical appearance. It taste great too!
Ready to Try 310?
The 310 Nutrition New Starter Kit is just $9 for new customers. Try it today! Before you do, be sure to join our Facebook Community and read other inspiring weight loss stories.