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Cherish Murphy breaks her plateau and SURPASSES her goal weight with the help of 310 Nutrition!


The Turning Point...

It all started after I had lower back fusion surgery in 2012 which gave me very  limited mobility. I started a job where I sat at desk. The job was very stressful and I didn’t take time out to exercise. Then, in 2014. I found out I had left bundle branch blockage which meant my heart rate was very low. At that time, the doctors wanted to monitor the condition but told me that I would eventually need a pacemaker.

I realized things were getting serious and I needed to do something. So I started trying to eat healthy and exercise more regularly. I lost some weight but never met my goals or got past my plateau, staying and shifting between 160-180 pounds, no matter what I did.

It was so discouraging that I started eating more and exercising less. I know—it seems counter-intuitive but it happens. I wasn’t happy with my body at all and felt like giving up. I joined gyms, bought equipment for a home gym, took all kinds of classes, but got no real results.

In 2018, I decided to get a tummy tuck. I went for cardiac clearance and it was granted. 1 1/2 weeks before the surgery, I went into total heart block and required an emergency placement of my pacemaker in June of 2018. Trying to deal with the reality of almost dying sent me into a deep depression. I thought “I almost died, so I’m drinking the soda and eating the cake.” That mentality really packed on the weight.

To make matters more complicated, my parents had health issues and were no longer financially stable so they had to move in with me. I had my supper made every night. The meals were unhealthy and 5 courses long with at least two starches. It seemed convenient to eat comfort food, but it did nothing for my health.

My biggest struggles were eating for convenience, emotional eating when stressed, social eating at lunch, and feeling guilty that going to the gym was stealing time away from family time.

In early January of 2019,  I went to the cardiologist, got on the scale at 178 and in the same week busted the zipper out of my size 12 pants. At this point, I knew I needed to make a lifestyle change, especially with my heart condition.

The Change…

To break this viscous cycle, I started cooking my meals separately than the rest of the family. I started getting up earlier to get my exercise in for the day and went to  the gym on evenings when my husband had other plans. As far as lunch and socializing, I spent time catching up with friends on my drive to and from work.  But the biggest impact was when a friend told me about her success with 310. This is when I committed to the 310 lifestyle. It was finally something that was convenient for me, where I didn’t have to spend hours cooking each meal!

Weight Loss Success!

By following the 310 lifestyle, I went from 179 pounds to 137 pounds, finally breaking my plateau and even surpassing my goal weight of 150! I didn’t think it was even possible, but it was!

I even had to have my wedding ring reduced in size twice! I’m now wearing the silicone ring until my weight stabilizes. I sometimes look at my own legs and don’t recognize them, which is fun.  My work uniform is so loose now that it looks sloppy. But that makes me happy because before, it was getting so tight that I couldn’t tie the waistband.

Now, I feel younger, full of energy, and like I can accomplish anything. I recently hiked 14 miles in three days in the mountains. I couldn’t have done that with the extra weight I used to hold on to. And the best part? I have less back pain AND less overall aches and pains. Now that’s something to celebrate.

Here’s how I lost the weight with 310 Nutrition and keep it going to this day: 

In the beginning I stuck with a strict routine of a double 310 Shake that covered breakfast and lunch. I’d then have a healthy dinner and snacked on fruit. If I was craving snacks in the evenings I would have 310 Detox Tea with honey. No sugar, very low carbs, no caffeine.

I ended my bad relationship with food and needed to reset. I decided I needed to be bold. For my non-shake meals,  I bought cookbooks and tried new healthy foods, like sweet potatoes, quinoa, and steamed veggies. I even found a crockpot cookbook, which I love because it’s easy to use and I have food ready when I get home.

I tried a lot of meatless substitutes and found many that I like. I started adding 310 Collagen to my shakes to help with my joints. Then I started adding frozen fruit and now I even add fat free pudding. I have a 310 Shake 7 days a week and eat clean for dinner.

A few months ago I started drinking 310 Juice for breakfast on the weekends to get extra superfoods in. I also love the 310 Lemonade because it keeps me full in between meals with only 13 calories. Then I have a 310 Shake for lunch or a light lunch like tuna, cheese, and tomatoes. I started snacking on all types of nuts. I even ordered imperfect fruits/veggies to sort of force myself to try new things.

Now that I’ve lost the weight, I eat double meat and double veggies for supper to maintain the weight I’m at.

I love that I can replace two meals with shakes that are tasty and keep me full until dinner. I’m truly lazy.... I love grabbing my shakes in my shaker cup and getting going. I don’t have to do a lot prep unless I want to. Just almond milk and 310.

This is actually the first shake that my body can tolerate. Other shakes or sweeteners would cause nausea or vomiting. Not 310. I feel good using 310 products with no side effects at all.

Here’s my favorite new shake recipe you gotta try!

Mocha-Cherry-Licious! 310 Mocha Shake, almond milk, and frozen cherries.

Staying Motivated Through Community...

With the 310 Facebook Community, I know I’m not alone. I have the support of people just like me that are having the same struggles and successes. I spent many hours on the 310 Community Facebook Page looking up recipes and being inspired by others’ stories. I’ve always felt so welcomed and supported in the community.

After trying so many other things, I finally found success with 310. It was the tool I needed to shed the extra weight that had been holding me back from being the best version of myself. If you are focused and dedicated to yourself with the help of 310 products and the community, you WILL reach your goals.

Ready to Try 310? 

Our 310 Try It All Kit gives you a chance to try an assortment of products and flavors to find your favorites before committing! It’s the perfect way to start your journey to ultimate health with 310.

This kit includes 6 delicious flavors of 310 Meal Replacement Shakes, green Juices with 70+ superfoods, alkalizing Lemonades with 0 sugar under 13 calories with Green Tea Phytosomes,  Detox Teas to help you rid your body of years of built up toxins and bloat, a Shaker Cup to make and take along your drinks, a book with easy-to-make healthy recipes,  a phone session with a health coach, and even a $10 gift card to 310!

It’s currently a steal-of-a-price at only $69.00! ($146.99 Value)  That’s over 50% off! You can do this!

We also invite you to join our Facebook Community so you can see firsthand how hundreds of thousands of men and women are motivating each other on their weight loss journeys.


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