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Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss


Essential oils are extremely popular in the natural health realm, and can be used in a number of ways to promote enhanced well-being and healing. But what about using essential oils for weight loss? Can it be done? And with all the different oil options available, what are the best ones to use for this purpose? 

This article will lay out all the facts for you – from the what essential oils are, to the best types to overcome various weight loss plateaus. We’ll also discuss how essential oils can positively influence your life in ways beyond the scale. Let’s get started! 

What Are Essential Oils? 

Essential oils are pure plant oil extracts that perfectly capture the “essence” of each unique plant. Different plants offer unique therapeutic properties, and therefore essential oils have the ability to positively influence your mind and body in transformative ways.

How to Use Essential Oils

losing weight with essential oils in a diffuser

Drops of essential oils can be added into a diffuser for inhalation benefits, or massaged into your skin when used with a carrier oil such as coconut oil.

Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss 

First off, we already covered that essential oils boast an impressive array of benefits – but don’t think of them as some magical weight loss elixir. Instead, by promoting enhanced well-being, the oils support your weight loss efforts by helping you develop healthier lifestyle habits.

How do they do this? Certain oils can be used to increase your energy levels for better workouts, while others help ensure you get a good night’s rest. There are even oils that can help curb your appetite and help you reach for healthier food selections. Let’s take a look at 3 proven essential oils to help with weight loss… 

1) Lavender Oil 

lavender oil is good for weight loss

You probably don’t think of “assisting with weight loss” as a top benefit of this extremely popular essential oil, but the truth is that it can do just that in various ways. Research shows that lavender oil may support weight loss by:

  • Promoting a good night’s sleep (potentially resulting in less food cravings)
  • Calming symptoms of anxiety (helping to reduce stress-induced eating)
  • Helping to curb your appetite

In one study, participants used lavender oil as a personal inhaler over the course of 6 weeks. They inhaled the scent of the oil before meals and when they had food cravings. At the end of the study, the participants lost 5.3 pounds on average (twice as much as the group using mandarin oil, and over 4 times as much as the control group that wasn’t using any essential oils)!

How to Use Lavender Oil: Diffuse it into the air during the day to promote relaxation or at night for a restful night’s sleep. You can also add drops of it into a bath or directly onto your pillow or another object. Finally, you can use it on your skin, such as for a massage, when used with a carrier oil.

2) Grapefruit Oil

grapefruit oil can help you lose weight

Grapefruit is an uplifting oil, sure to enliven your mood and energize your body. It’s also a great essential oil for weight loss. 

Studies show that the scent of grapefruit oil may promote a healthy weight by:

  • Stimulating the breakdown of fat tissue
  • Leading to a reduction in food intake
  • Inhibiting the formation of fatty issue when applied topically

In one study, women massaged their abdomen area with grapefruit oil twice daily for five days, and also received a full-body aromatherapy massage with an essential oil blend containing grapefruit oil once a week. At the end of the 6-week study, they showed a decrease in belly fat along with a reduction in waist circumference!

How to Use Grapefruit Oil: This particular oil makes a fantastic, uplifting addition to diffusers and smells blissful mixed with lemon or orange essential oils. You can also create a DIY sugar scrub using a carrier oil to get the massage benefits.


3) Peppermint Oil 

peppermint oil can help you lose weight

This naturally-energizing oil from peppermint leaves supports healthy digestion, and certain properties within the oil make it one of the best essential oils for weight loss.

Research shows that peppermint essential oil may support weight loss by: 

  • Boosting energy levels and enhancing the quality of your workouts
  • Helping to soothe sore muscles and minimize workout recovery
  • Reducing fatigue and improving focus (so you can stay true to your weight loss goals)
  • Suppressing appetite and helping you feel fuller faster

How to Use Peppermint Oil: Rub 1-2 drops of the oil mixed with a carrier oil onto your temples and behind your neck for energy and pain relief. Or, diffuse the oil in a diffuser for an energy boost and potential hunger reduction. You can also add drops of peppermint oil into a warm bath to sooth hurting muscles. 


Essential Oils for Weight Loss Recap 

Ready to start incorporating essential oils into your healthy lifestyle plan today?! Remember, quality matters, so always choose your oils from a reputable manufacturer you can trust. At the end of the day, the best essential oils for weight loss will be the ones that best support your complete health and lasting vitality.

Complement your holistic wellness efforts with vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy.




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