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Michelle Marchese Went From Size 14 To 6 With The Help Of 310!

The Turning Point...

For most of my adult life, I never really struggled with my weight. I was always very active at the gym and maintained a healthy lifestyle. I was even a fitness instructor for years. It wasn't until I hit menopause at age 52 that I started to gain weight. It just wouldn't seem to come off no matter what I did. UGH!

It took a while for me to accept the reality of the weight gain. I was always able to do something to keep it in check before. It took a lot to admit that I weighed 176 pounds, more than I had ever weighed, even when I was pregnant! I know this doesn’t seem like a lot to those that have more weight to lose, but for me, I just wanted to get back to my normal weight.

My "ah-ha" moment was when I had to buy a size 14 pair of pants! I normally wore a size 8! I thought to myself  “What the hell!” I sat in my closet and cried, because I thought I was old and eeek—fat. And to boot, I worked at a bariatric office as the clinic manager. So I went to the nutritionist and cried and said help!

The Change…

I finally found 310 and MARIA SHELTON! First, I joined the 310 Community and followed her journey, because everyone's a skeptic, right? But Maria's journey was FOR REAL! So I hit the purchase button…

Weight Loss Success!

I’m happy to report that, even in menopause, I returned to my normal and goal weight of 135! And now I’m even wearing a size 6. I finally feel like I’m back to my old self again. With 310, it was easy and it worked.

Here’s how I lost the weight with 310 Nutrition and keep it going to this day: 

Breakfast: 310 Shake. Along with my 310 powder, I use a liquid protein drink as my base (as an extra protein boost instead of almond milk) and add fresh frozen fruit like strawberries, blueberries or peaches!

Snacks: Cottage cheese with blueberries, Lara Bar, or almonds. I use almonds as my "munch/crunch" food. I also drink the 310 Detox Tea if I want a flavored drink.

Lunch: Tuna with boiled egg, salad, or sashimi. Sometimes I combine breakfast and lunch with a shake after a workout then have a snack.

Dinner: Meat and a salad or green veggie, and cottage cheese. I don't eat bread and eat very low carbs.

I also make sure to drink 80 to 100 oz of water each day. No soda or carbonation of any kind for me as it bloats my belly!

Here’s my favorite new shake recipe you gotta try! Peaches and Cream:

It’s simple yet effective. 1/2 cup ice, 310 Vanilla Shake, a vanilla protein drink for an extra protein boost or just regular almond milk, and 1 cup fresh frozen peaches. Blend in the NINJA for 60 seconds and enjoy!

Staying Motivated Through Community...

I get bountiful support from the 310 Community.

No matter the struggle, and it is real, there is an answer and it does work. Will it take time? Yes, yes it will. You can't expect to lose your weight in a week. You didn't put it on in a week. What you want is an effective program that will work for you, one that you can incorporate into your daily lifestyle so that your results are permanent. 310 Nutrition is that program. Will it take work? Yes! Will you fall? Yes! Are you worth it? Yes!

Ready to Try 310? 

Our 310 Try It All Kit gives you a chance to try an assortment of products and flavors to find your favorites before committing! It’s the perfect way to start your journey to ultimate health with 310.

This kit includes 6 delicious flavors of 310 Meal Replacement Shakes, green Juices with 70+ superfoods, alkalizing Lemonades with 0 sugar under 13 calories with Green Tea Phytosomes,  Detox Teas to help you rid your body of years of built up toxins and bloat, a Shaker Cup to make and take along your drinks, a book with easy-to-make healthy recipes,  a phone session with a health coach, and even a $10 gift card to 310!

It’s currently a steal-of-a-price at only $69.00! ($146.99 Value)  That’s over 50% off! You can do this!

We also invite you to join our Facebook Community so you can see firsthand how hundreds of thousands of men and women are motivating each other on their weight loss journeys.


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