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Maria Shelton

I vividly remember being at the doctor’s office after having surgery on my right shoulder for a torn rotator cuff, and stepping on the scale. I was 184 lbs. – far too much for my 5’4 frame! Then while looking at the follow up papers, I saw one word under my diagnosis that tore me up inside: obese. Well, that was the motivation I needed to clean up my health.

My trouble had started earlier that year in May of 2016. I already weighed more than I wanted to then at 165 lbs. But then I had an accident during work. While getting out of the back of a work truck, I missed a step and fell hard onto the gravel, injuring both my right shoulder and hip. The injury not only put me out of work, but during the time that I was immobile and really feeling bad for myself was when I started to put on a lot more weight.

In August, I saw an ad for 310 on Facebook and thought, maybe this is the solution I’ve been seeking! I ordered the starter pack and a bag of 310 Shake Vanilla and immediately joined the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook. I posted my “before” picture which was really hard but then immediately felt great because I had the support and accountability from the community to move forward with my goals.

I immersed myself in the 310 Community and started replacing two meals a day with 310 Shakes. I learned a ton and it empowered me to change my habits, making sure that the one regular meal I had each day was clean and healthy.

I was very limited on what I could do for exercise due to my injury and surgery, but the doctor gave me the okay to walk if I could stand it. So even though it was pure agony at times, I walked even if it took me two hours to go one mile! From drinking 310 Shakes, my energy increased, I was sleeping better and even my demeanor changed to be more positive! I had discovered that 310 Shakes combined with healthy eating was a game changer for me.

I am so happy and proud to say that as of today, I have reached my goal weight! By using 310 Shakes and other 310 weight loss products, I went from 184 lbs. to 133 lbs. in less than a year, losing 51 pounds! I also went from a size 14/16 down to a size 6! And that is with very limited physical activity due to my condition. Along the way, I’ve hit and even surpassed milestones, and the journey has been amazing!

I have never felt so motivated, encouraged, and energized as I do now with 310 products.  Along with 310 Shakes (my favorite flavor is the plant-based 310 Shake Strawberry!), I religiously use the 310 Lemonade at least twice a day. And I also drink 310 Tea at least three times a day. Sometimes I even mix them together! I also use 310 Thin, especially when I know there will be a gathering with a lot of food around, for extra motivation not to cheat. And I use the 310 Juice on days where I know I will be really busy, with no time for fruits or veggies.

In a little over a year, I have made such an IMMENSE positive lifestyle change with 310! I am forever grateful for the tools and knowledge they have given me to get my weight and health on track. I finally feel like I have control over my life!

At this point, I consider myself a #310lifer! I have reached my goal and now I am maintaining my new weight. I still have a 310 shake every day, sometimes as a meal and sometimes as a snack and for added nutrition to help me keep up my healthy lifestyle. I also enjoy helping others now in the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook who are just starting out. I create motivational videos once a week which I really enjoy and usually get around 5,000 to 12,000 viewers. It feels amazing to be on the other side of an unhealthy situation and be living with zest now. I will never give up 310 – I would be lost without it!

I would tell others struggling with their weight to get into the 310 Community right now, because there is always someone there to help you or motivate you forward! Then get started with 310 products, because you will be so incredibly thrilled with your results and success. Take pictures at the beginning so you can see how amazing you look as you reach goals. Those pictures don’t lie – and when you see your progress, you will be absolutely floored! Thank you 310 for giving me that sense of pure joy and amazement when I look in the mirror, and the confidence needed to fully enjoy my life!

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The 310 Nutrition Community was an important, motivational aspect of Maria’s journey. Join the community and gain invaluable support as you push towards your goals.

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