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Lia Romeo-Oliver

I’m a natural worrier and I easily get stressed, so after a bout of being overworked and not sleeping due to troubles with my foster child, I ended up in the ER with meningitis. After being sick for 10 days, I later gasped when I got on the scale, and it was at that moment I knew I needed to do something about my weight.

I had tried meal replacement shakes in the past, namely Shakeology, but it wasn’t affordable for me with three kids. I thought I might join Weight Watchers and then I saw an ad from JWoww on Facebook promoting the 310 Starter Kit for only $7.00 – it seemed almost too good to be true!

I ordered the kit and from this moment looking back I can honestly say that it’s changed my life! I started the program last fall at 268 pounds and since then I have lost 100 lbs. by using 310 products! My original goal was to get down to 200 lbs. but after hitting that in only about 4-5 months, I decided to keep going! I mean, how cool is it to say that you’ve literally lost 100 lbs.?! It’s simply amazing!

My normal routine is to replace one or two meals with shakes per day. I love the chocolate shake flavor, and I usually add unsweetened cashew milk and some kind of fruit, spinach or avocado. And it always tastes blissful! I also love the strawberry flavor and I just tried the plant-based salted caramel…Oh my gosh, it’s SO good! I brought one to work the other day in my 310 shaker cup to make with just water and I barely even had any because I made everyone in my salon try it saying “You have to taste how unbelievably good this is!”

And that’s one of the coolest things about this process for me…I have become a huge promoter of 310 and living a healthier lifestyle; and before, I was completely the opposite, so the new me feels great. I used to be an emotional eater and now I feel satisfied with a day full of 310 Shakes, 310 Lemonade and 310 Tea. And I’m helping to change lives…at least 25 of my work clients, my coworker and even my boss have all now lost weight by using 310 products!

Another interesting thing is that I’ve lost all of my weight without even exercising! Fitness is something that I definitely want to add in (I even have a 310 Gym Bag!), but I made the decision to focus on my nutrition first. This way I could get my healthy eating plan in order and now I finally have the energy and the stamina to add in workouts when I’m ready.

Finally, the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook has been a huge blessing for me on this journey to better health. The encouragement and support is simply off the charts, and you really feel like you have a family of people that you can go through your struggles with. It’s amazing to hear how others are doing and be able to help them in return. I literally don’t think I’ve ever felt this good about myself! I’m come so, SO far and it’s all because of 310! I will definitely be using the products for life. Thank you, Tim and the 310 Team for everything you do and I’m so looking forward to continuing on this new adventure indefinitely.

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The 310 Nutrition Community was an important, motivational aspect of Lia's journey. Join the community and gain invaluable support as you push towards your goals.

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