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Karen Marchione Felt Fantastic on Her Wedding Day and Lost 60 Pounds!

Before: 230 Pounds After: 

The Turning Point...

All my life I’ve tried to lose weight, but nothing worked at all until I found 310. My ultimate motivation to finally drop the pounds was when I got engaged and knew I wanted to look and feel amazing on my wedding day.

When I got engaged I was 230 pounds, the biggest I had ever been. Before finding 310, I tried Herbalife and Quest meal replacement shakes, and I also tried Weight Watchers. I didn’t like the taste of Quest Shakes, and with Herbalife Shakes I never felt full after drinking them, so both of them didn’t work for me. And believe it or not, I actually gained weight on Weight Watchers!

The Change...

Finally, I saw a post by Kim Zolciak about 310 Shakes and decided to make the switch. It was the best choice of my life! I started replacing two meals per day with 310 Shakes, and the pounds just started to come off!

I also used 310 Lemonade as well as 310 Thin – I would have the lemonade as a snack each day, and it helped suppress my hunger and keep me full. And I liked how 310 Thin gave me extra energy!

One of things I like best about 310 Shakes is that they are filled with good-for-you, natural ingredients. When I was searching for diet shakes, all the other ones I found had artificial ingredients and sugars but 310 doesn’t have any of that. Instead, it has wholesome ingredients and no sugar!

I also love how the shakes keep me full and energized all day, and just generally make me feel great. I start my day off at 5am, and it’s really important that my stomach feels as if I ate a nice meal and is satisfied for 3-4 hours – which is always what happens after having a 310 Shake!

Weight Loss Success!

For the first time in my life I was able to lose the weight I had always wanted to, and the best part was that I did it by my wedding day! By using 310 Shakes and other 310 weight loss products, I lost 60 pounds in just 4 months and felt fantastic on my special day!

I still have more that I would like to lose, but I feel confident that I can do it with 310 products! Recently, I’ve added exercise into my routine, and I am doing things that I wouldn’t have even dared before like box jumping and rope climbing! I owe that completely to 310… it’s not just about the way I look but also about the overall strength, energy, and confidence the products give me that make me feel as if I can do anything!

I know I will continue to use 310 products for the long run, and I look forward to conquering even more of my health and weight loss goals!

Ready to Try 310? 

The 310 Nutrition New Starter Kit is just $9 for new customers. Try it today! Before you do, be sure to join our Facebook Community and read other inspiring weight loss stories.



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