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Jasmine Gonzalez

My journey is one filled with struggle, making victory today even sweeter. While pregnant with my first child, I was so sick that I could barely walk or even move. During that very hard pregnancy, I gained an unthinkable 125 lbs, feeling as if it was unfair and out of my control. Eventually diagnosed with Preeclampsia, I had to have an emergency C-section and then other subsequent surgeries for problems caused by the Preeclampsia later on.

I changed my diet to clean eating but I couldn’t exercise. It was difficult but I ended up losing 80 lbs on my own. The problem was that I couldn’t maintain it, so I gained it back, and then when more health problems showed up with my second child, the stubborn weight stuck.

When I finally found 310 Nutrition through a Facebook post by JWoww, I was desperate. I needed something that would not only work but would last. I immediately starting using the 310 Shakes as well as other products including the 310 Lemonade, 310 Thin and 310 Metaboost. By staying on a disciplined regimen replacing two meals with 310 Shakes a day and using the other 310 weight loss products, I lost 83 lbs in a year!

I’ve tried all the shake flavors at this point and I love them all. I even brought the shake to my doctor when I was recently diagnosed with a heart condition, and he fully approved it. Along with the 310 products, what’s also made a huge difference for me is the 310 Nutrition Community. It’s an amazing place to meet and motivate people, get recipes, and answers to your questions. I know it’s one of the reasons I’ll be a #310lifer!

As of today, I know I still have further to go to conquer my health goals, but I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished, and it’s all because of 310 Nutrition. I try not to get on the scale that much anymore, because for me, it’s about being healthy and happy for myself and my family, and that’s more important than any number!

I always tell people who are struggling with their weight to be easy on themselves because change takes time. It is very easy to gain weight, but a lot of hard work is required to lose it. Consistency is key and so is finding a proven, effective plan, which is why I’m such a huge promoter of 310 Nutrition! I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to be healthier. Why not start today? Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.

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The 310 Nutrition Community was an important, motivational aspect of Jasmine’s journey. Join the community and gain invaluable support as you push towards your goals.

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