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Heather Bass

I started my journey with 310 Nutrition in August of 2016. I weighed 167 pounds – it was the most I've ever weighed in my life. I got married a few years ago and you could say that I just got a little too comfortable.

I used to use Shakeology but it became really expensive to maintain and I had heard about 310 but never looked into it. Finally, I ordered the 310 Starter Kit and I really liked the Vegan Chocolate Shake so I started replacing one meal a day (lunch mainly) with a 310 Shake. I also cut out all fast food, soda, and unhealthy snacks for a good month straight just to get myself really trained at being healthier. I made sure to drink a lot of water, and I would walk twice a day on my breaks at work.

I got a Fitbit and that really helped me and I worked out Monday through Thursday for at least 45 minutes each day. I honestly think it's very important that people know it's not just about replacing a meal with a shake…you really have to make it a lifestyle and make other changes for yourself. Most importantly, you have to find what works for you.

By December of 2016 I had lost 25 pounds, weighing in at 142 pounds and my goal had been 145, so I was really happy about that! Now, I'm able to maintain this weight give or take a few pounds by sticking to my routine that works for me, and replacing one meal a day with a 310 Shake.

Thank you 310 Nutrition for such amazing products that have been able to help me change my life and my health for the better!

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