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Eliana Adapted To A Healthy Lifestyle, Losing 17 lbs In Just A Few Months!

The Challenge...

I gained a lot of weight with my last pregnancy but just kept calling it “baby fat.” Then, I decided to have foot surgery to fix a hammer toe and bunion, and ended up developing dangerous blood clots in my body. I was devastated!

Not only was the situation super scary, and I had to start a treatment to literally save my life, but I also wasn’t able to do the physical activity – volleyball and going to the gym almost every day – that I had done before.

In exchange for the time I had spent exercising, I started working longer hours and devoting more time to family – but I also ate whatever I wanted, and often they weren’t healthy choices. In particular, I had a huge “sweet tooth” and frequently gave into these cravings. Then, of course, I started to gain weight…

It wasn’t until I went to my doctor for my annual physical check-up that I found out I was pre-diabetic and also having problems with my knees. It broke my heart to hear the news, as I had lost a family member due to diabetes and other complications.

I was sad for a while and had no idea what to do, but eventually I had a wake-up call that gave me the motivation I needed to make some serious healthy changes…

The Change…

During a ceremony for my daughter’s Air Force Tech School Graduation, we took family photos intended to send to family and friends and post on social media.

However, upon looking at the photos when we got home, I was very disappointed at the way my face, arms and legs looked. I felt disgusted and ashamed of myself and the bad choices I had made.

It was then and there that I told myself that I had to make a change, so that I could be there for my kids and my family. I knew if I didn’t do something right then, the problem would only get worse… so my sulking and “comfort eating” had to stop. Instead, I needed a solution.

About a year before I came to this realization, I had started using 310 products, so I was familiar with them. However, for whatever reason, mentally, I had not been ready to really commit to bettering myself through lifestyle changes.

In that moment I decided it was not only time to go back to using 310 products, but stay consistent and do it right, by incorporating positive lifestyle changes. I knew I needed to stay strong for myself and my family!


I’ve only been on this new journey for about 3 months – eating a clean, healthy diet, doing light exercise, and using 310 products daily. And, I’ve already seen awesome success in my new healthy lifestyle and routine!

In just the short amount of time, (and also in the middle of a global pandemic!), I’ve lost 17 pounds. I started at 189 lbs and my weight is now 172 lbs! The best part is that I am now only 12 lbs away from my goal weight of 160 lbs – which doesn’t seem far away anymore at all!

I have succeeded thus far by focusing on a clean, and healthy diet, with help from 310 products. But I haven’t ramped up the exercise yet, and I know that if I can eventually add that in, I will lose weight even faster, and sustain a healthy long-term lifestyle plan.

Along with the weight loss, I have other “non-scale” victories that are priceless. I’ve gone from a size extra-large to a medium in clothing, and I am now on a “regular” bathroom schedule – which is a big deal for me since my low-fiber diet caused problems before.

I also have much more energy and happiness to spread the word about 310 – It’s a “new me”!

What I Love BEST About 310 Shakes…

What I love best about 310 Shakes and the other 310 products I use is that they’ve helped me adopt a health lifestyle, and ultimately lose weight evenly (from head-to-toe), and that was one of my previous challenges.

Before, I would lose weight in some areas but not evenly over my body. But now, since I’m following through with a continuous healthy diet for the first time, it's made a huge difference.

310 is a game-changer! The variety of products and flavors makes it easier for me to stay consistent and fulfill my goals!

My Healthy Lifestyle Routine…

When it comes to my new healthy lifestyle routine, it starts at 5am, since that’s when I get up for work. The first thing I take is my 310 Turmeric supplement before breakfast, with 8 oz. of water. Then, I prepare my Peach Detox Tea for the morning.

When my tea is done, around 9:30am I prepare my shake… I love the Salted Caramel, Toasted Coconut and Vanilla Chai flavors best, and always make a smoothie with one of those!

Around 11:30am I have a small, healthy snack (like popcorn, raisins, or a small amount of tuna). Then, for lunch I usually have a salad with grilled chicken, spinach, sweet peas or corn, and some cilantro, with a 310 Lemonade. And, I also take my 310 Thin supplement at this time.

In the afternoon, I have a handful of popcorn, only if the craving is there or, sometimes I have another cup of 310 Tea, instead. When I’m done, I take my 310 Beauty Melt supplement.

For dinner, I have another shake, then I stop eating at 7:30pm, since it’s my goal not to snack at all after this time!

My Favorite Shake Recipes You Have To Try

My favorite shake recipes are simple… I start with either 310 Salted Caramel, Toasted Coconut or Vanilla Chai, and then I add in bananas, spinach, and water, and mix it up in the blender! Sometimes, I switch it up and do blueberries instead of the banana. The shakes are delicious!

How I Stay Motivated Through Community...

The 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook has been an incredible, inspirational tool for me throughout this process. I’m able to find support and encouragement there from a lot of people that I’ve never even met in person – but we’re all in this journey together!

I’ve learned that the more we can all support and encourage each other in the community the better, because then we can all find results! We’re in this together!

Advice for Newbies…

My advice to anyone who is struggling with their weight and their health is that it is not impossible to change! It is challenging, yes, because you have to break unhealthy habits you’ve had for a long time, and exchange them for new ones.

But, it’s absolutely possible with determination and consistency! You just start with a small goal every day – anything that can help you keep pushing forward. Keep asking questions in the 310 Community and staying active there – by listening to other member’s journey’s, it may help with your own!

And finally, don’t be too hard on yourself. Take one day, one step at a time, and remember, “Yes, YOU CAN”!!!

Ready to Try 310?! 

Remember that becoming healthier is a journey, and we’re excited to be on it with you! Our 310 Try It All Kit is a great way to start your adventure because it allows you to try an assortment of products and flavors, to find your favorites upfront! It’s the perfect way to start cleaning up your diet and getting your health on track.

We covered all the bases with this kit. It includes a variety of flavors of 310 Meal Replacement Shakes; 310 Berry Juice packets including 70+ superfoods per serving; Water-enhancing Lemonades with no sugar or artificial sweeteners, minerals, and tea extract; Detox Teas to support optimal health; A 310 Shaker Cup to quickly make and take along all of your drinks; An e-book including easy-to-make healthy recipes; A phone session with a 310 Health Coach; and even a $10 gift card to 310! You can’t go wrong with this kit!

And, it’s currently 50% off, at only $69.00! ($138.00 Value). You got this!

In addition, we invite you to join our Facebook Community so you can see firsthand how hundreds of thousands of women and men are motivating each other to succeed, not only on their weight loss journeys, but in lifelong health.

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