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Debbie Keller Now Has Shining Confidence, and Lost 102 Pounds!

All my life I’ve wanted to lose weight, but it took a doctor actually telling me that I had to drop the pounds to finally start making physical changes. At first, I had no idea where to start and how to maintain results on my own. For 5 months, I simply tried to eat healthier and lost about 18 lbs., but then I hit a plateau. It was around that time that I found 310 Nutrition, which has been the best turning point in my entire life!

I started my 310 journey on June 1, 2017 at 265 lbs. and the changes I’ve witnessed in myself in only a year are nothing short of miraculous! The main things that have helped me stick to a new healthy lifestyle are the 310 products (which taste so good and work wonders) and the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook. This group is incredibly supportive and uplifting and it’s where I’ve learned about clean, healthy eating and how to make a total life transformation, which is what I’ve done!

My normal routine using the 310 Shakes is to replace both breakfast and lunch with a shake. My favorite shake flavor is the Salted Caramel, and I love to drink it with 16 ounces of unsweetened almond milk, frozen fruit, a banana, peanut butter powder, chia seeds and some ice cubes. Over time, I’ve also started using a lot of the other 310 products which I’ve found have all positively benefitted my life in some way.

I use the 310 lemonades, teas and juices along with 310 supplements including 310 Thin, 310 Metaboost, collagen, turmeric, apple cider vinegar capsules and the multivitamin. The best thing I can say about taking all of these products is that I truly feel amazing and that is absolutely new for me! I can honestly say at this point in my life, I feel the best I’ve ever felt!

The best thing about 310 products is that you can count on them to make a difference for you. And I love the taste of all the drinks; they’re SO good! I always make sure I have a 310 Lemonade on me so if I get hungry, I can mix it up in some water and drink it, since it satisfies my hunger.

The 310 Teas and 310 Thin also help to suppress my appetite, and the Metaboost gives me an extra boost of energy. Since using 310 Shakes, I now have the drive and stamina to exercise, and with the Metaboost I burn even more calories than I would without it.

In general, I am a completely different person now than I was before I started 310! From the 310 Nutrition Community and CEO Tim Sharif’s videos, I’ve learned about healthy eating, and today my diet is 99% clean! I’ve cut out all processed junk foods and sugar. I haven’t had a soda in a year, and I don’t even miss it! When I’m not drinking my shakes, I eat fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins and other wholesome, nutritious choices.

It’s been a little over a year since I started with 310, and I’m so proud to say that I’ve lost 102 pounds! I’ve gone from 265 lbs. and a size 18/22 to 163 lbs. and a size 8! I only have 23 lbs. left to go to reach my final goal of 140 lbs., but I’m no longer focused on the scale, and this is because I already feel the best I’ve ever felt in my life!

On a day to day basis, I can do things now that I would never do before because I was afraid I would hurt myself! I walk 6-8 miles per day, and I even take hikes! I just ordered all of the 310 Gym equipment, including resistance bands, a yoga mat, a gym ball and more, and can’t wait to start doing home workouts.

I also have this shining confidence in myself now that I simply didn’t have before, and I don’t mind seeing myself in pictures! And I’m now able to help and encourage others – which is truly one of the best parts. I’ve inspired my mom to start using 310 products and I’m a 310 Ambassador on Facebook – meaning that I specifically seek to assist others who are new in their journeys and guide them in the right direction.

If you’re also looking to become healthier, you should start 310 as soon as possible and remember to take baby steps. You aren’t going to transform overnight but you will be absolutely amazed and in complete disbelief of what 310 can do for you. And I promise you can do it! Coming from someone that had so much to lose, believe me, if I can transform in the way I have, so can you!

And finally, I will tell you that the feeling of pride in how far you have come is better than the taste of any food out there! Trust me, you can be happy AND healthy at the same time, and it’s easier than you’ve ever imagined with 310. I know this is the lifestyle I want to live for the rest of my life. I wish for everyone to look and feel this great at my age; thank you to Tim and the entire 310 team for making this possible for me!

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The 310 Nutrition Community was an important, motivational aspect of Debbie’s journey. Join the community and gain invaluable support as you push towards your goals.

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