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Cassie Gainey

As an actress, I’m used to gaining and losing weight quickly for character roles – but once I hit 50 years old a few years ago, I found it much more difficult to drop pounds! My weight issue started when I accepted a role that required me to gain 40 lbs., but once the production was over, I simply couldn’t lose it!

Desperate to get back to a weight I was comfortable with, I hired a personal trainer, but I still wasn’t seeing the progress I wanted. Finally, my girlfriend told me about 310 Nutrition, and at first, I didn’t want to try it! I was used to her always doing fad diets, not realizing that 310 was far from that. After doing my research on 310 Shakes and discovering that they were full of nourishing, plant-based ingredients, and seeing them being promoted all over, even by celebrities, that sealed the deal. I ordered my Starter Kit!

The day the delivery man put the box in my hands is the same day I tried 310 Shake for the first time! My initial reaction was that I really liked the taste, and then I noticed the shakes kept me full and satisfied for hours. I was sold! And the program worked great with my busy lifestyle. I moved into a routine of replacing two meals with shakes per day and it didn’t take long before I realized, “Wow, this is really working!” The weight just started to fall off.

My favorite shake flavors are the Vanilla Chai and the Salted Caramel and I love to mix it up and add different ingredients into the shakes to keep it interesting. I always add bananas, spinach and ice and I also vary it up with ingredients such as fresh strawberries or blackberries, chia seeds, flax seeds, pineapple and mango. Sometimes I even get fresh ginger root and put that in my shake.

I also regularly drink 310 Tea and 310 Lemonade, which both help me stay hydrated throughout the day. Before 310, I never drank enough water, but now I love the taste of these drinks and they also help me towards my weight loss goals. Since they are appetite suppressants, they help quench my cravings for other foods.  

The 310 Nutrition Community has also been a huge part of my weight loss success and health journey. I watch all of the clean eating videos by 310 Founder and CEO, Tim Sharif, and others in the community, and I just started doing my own live videos sometimes as well. I’ve learned how to take care of myself and live a healthy lifestyle, something that I wasn’t doing before.

When I began 310, I was 180 lbs. and very unhappy, and now I’m 140 lbs. and my weight just keeps dropping! I’ve lost 40 lbs. by using 310 products and utilizing the infinite support and knowledge in the 310 Nutrition Community. I am now healthier at 53 years old than I was when I was younger! I eat right and get enough sleep, exercise and hydration, so I feel amazing!

My health has also dramatically improved. I struggle with high blood pressure and at one point I was literally almost on my death bed because of it. I used to be on two heavy doses of medications to keep my blood pressure down, but my numbers are so much better since starting 310, that I only need one medication now.

My current goal at this point is to lose another 20 lbs., which I’m confident I can do now. But I’m also very happy with my current state. My most prominent goal is just to be healthy… I’ve always said that I don’t want to be 70 years old and unable to play with my grandkids! I want to be around for them, feeling fabulous and flourishing, and I know I can with 310.

I’m extremely grateful for 310 Nutrition, which has been a total game-changer for me and has transformed my life for the better. Trust me, you need to order your Starter Kit today! I was skeptical at first and now I can’t imagine my life without this program. You can make the same immense changes – Start right now!

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The 310 Nutrition Community was an important, motivational aspect of Cassie’s journey. Join the community and gain invaluable support as you push towards your goals.

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